“Students Plant Mangrove Trees for Geopark”
A total of 105 students from grades 5 and 6 at Tegal Caringin Elementary School in Ciwaru Village, Ciemas District, Sukabumi Regency, conducted a mangrove tree planting activity at Muara Ciletuh Cikadal Beach, Mandrajaya Village, on Thursday (16/11/2023). The Principal of Tegal Caringin Elementary School, Dadah Suhanda, said that this mangrove tree planting activity is in collaboration with Pokmasi Mandrajaya. Dadah explained that this activity is also part of the School Goes to Geopark program from Tegal Caringin Elementary School. “Yesterday we received an invitation from Mr. Opik, the Chairman of Pokmasi Mandrajaya, Ciemas District. We planted 100 mangrove trees,” he said to Sukabumiupdate.com on Friday (17/11/2023). In addition to the mangrove tree planting, Dadah continued, the School Goes Geopark program also includes activities such as an audience with speakers from Pokmasi, a boat ride along the river, and cleaning Citireum Beach. “The aim is to instill a love for and care for the environment from an early age and set an example for other schools. It is also a reinforcement of the pilot project, the Student Profile of Pancasila or P5,” he added.
105 students from grades 5 and 6 at SDN Tegal Caringin Elementary School in Sukabumi Regency participated in a mangrove tree planting activity at Muara Ciletuh Cikadal Beach. The activity was part of the School Goes to Geopark program and done in collaboration with Pokmasi Mandrajaya. The purpose was to educate students about the environment and set an example for other schools. The program also included activities such as an audience with speakers from Pokmasi, a boat ride, and beach cleaning. The students planted 100 mangrove trees.